Our 300B SET TT (Triode/Triode) is available now.
KR Audio Vacuum tubes are now available for purchase at our online Shop
Meixing MingDa tube amplifiers. We are Australia's authorized reseller and repairer for this quality Chinese brand of tube amplifiers.
We are in the process of building up our product range.
A valve preamplifier to compliment our 300B SET TT is currently being tested and should be available soon.
A higher wattage push pull valve amplifier is on the drawing board as well.
Our "NO GAIN" Tube Buffer is now available at our shop
We do carry out repairs and upgrades to valve amplifiers.
If you are in Perth, Western Australia, you are welcome to drop off your amplifier. If you want to upgrade your amplifier we might plug it into our system and have a listen with you present. This will allow us to determine what it might be you want to achieve with an upgrade.
We evaluate our amplifiers by listening. Our preferred speakers are made by ZU Audio.
ZU speakers are made in the USA to a very high standard. We also strongly agree with the philosophy behind ZU speakers. It is all about the sound.
You can read all about it here. https://www.zuaudio.com/
Meixing MingDa Tube Amplifiers
MC 300-A (300B SET)
MC 368-B (KT88, 2X50W Ultralinear, 2X35W Triode)
MC 34-A (2X38W, Remote Control)
MC 34-B19 (2X22W)